God Stories
God is working in our cities! We want to know about it!
What is a God Story?
Any time you're seeing God work, it's a God story! It's not necessarily a big gigantic thing. It's not necessarily a story that's come full circle. It's just God at work.
Why is it important to report them?
I think about the story in Luke 5, where the men lowered down their friend through the roof so that Jesus would heal him. Those men did not commit this act of vandalism (**ahem, I mean LOVE) so that others would see their own faith, but because their friend needed a touch from Jesus. They loved him so much that they did whatever it took to get him before Jesus.
Our God stories are testimonies. Testimonies of the faithfulness of God. God can use those testimonies to embolden others to act. It can be used by God for others to relate to. To give them eyes of faith into where God is working in their own situations.
How can I report them?
I'm so glad you asked! Click this link!